
What is ChazLib?
ChazLib is a database solution designed to meet the changing needs of modern libraries combined with flexible management tools. It provides sensitive, easy-to-use and functionally sophisticated solutions to automate various activities of libraries
Why ChazLib?
This question is very crucial with regard to present-day library management. A library is a bounteous treasure house of varied knowledge. It plays an essential role in enlightening and enriching the hearts and minds of users. The thirst for knowledge is increasing day-by- day. Moreover “library users are now customers who demand, choose and select from information resources”. 
However, the ever increasing number of resources like books, periodicals, CD-ROMs and the varied natures of users’ demands create chaos in library. Therefore, an effective solution for library management becomes vital. 
In this scenario, ChaLib presents unmatchable solutions to automate various activities of libraries. Now, with ChazLib all library information is just a click away.  
While considering the innumerable benefits avail using ChazLib, the initial cost and effort become insignificant against a fully automated library environment.                                                                        

Vibrant Features                                                                                                     
Gives New Dimension to Cataloguing                                                      
Makes Housekeeping Procedures Easy                                                            
Keeps Track of all Library Activities                                                                  
Powerful Search Engine                                                                                       
Multiple Filter Options                                                                            
Automated Serial Control                                                                              
Multiple Statistics and Report Generation                                                    
Generates Spine and Barcode Labels                                                     Barcoding                                                                                                            
Multi-User Application           

ChazLib is now with MARC

MARC is the acronym for MAchine-Readable Cataloging. It defines a data format that emerged from a Library of Congress-led initiative that began nearly forty years ago. It provides the mechanism by which computers exchange, use, and interpret bibliographic information, and its data elements make up the foundation of most library catalogs used today. MARC became USMARC in the 1980s and MARC 21 in the late 1990s.

Who maintains the MARC 21 formats?

The Network Development and MARC Standards Office at the Library of Congress and the Standards and the Support Office at the Library and Archives Canada maintain the MARC 21 formats. Input for development is provided by MARC 21 users from around the world, including libraries, library networks and utilities, and library system vendors. See for more information about the development and maintenance of the formats.